Home Tech The Evolution of Quantum Computing and Its Real-World Application

The Evolution of Quantum Computing and Its Real-World Application


Quantum computing is simply a revolutionary technology that is able to revolutionize different industries, including cybersecurity, healthcare and finance. Here, it is strong to utilize quantum bits called qubits to perform complex calculations faster. The first qubit was created in 1995. This is very important when considering the key milestones of quantum computing development. This also includes the demonstration of quantum supremacy in 2019 too.

Here, the article will point out the history of quantum computing, differences between quantum computing and classical computing, algorithms and applications of quantum computing, its current state and real-world applications of quantum computing.

1.  A Brief History Of Quantum Computing

1.1 Origin of Quantum Computing and the Concepts

Richard Feynman and David Deutsch are pioneers of quantum computing who gave basic ideas at the very beginning. They used to do the practical implementations of computations considering the theoretical concepts in the field of quantum computing.

Here, the creation of fundamental components like qubits and quantum gates that enable the fabrication of quantum computers was a major turning point.

1.2 Key Moments of Quantum Computing

There are some highlighted occasions in the history of quantum computing. The development of quantum algorithms is a major scenario out of them. Shor’s algorithm is made to factorize large numbers easily. This is a one of the considerable scenario in quantum computing. Furthermore, it is revealed quantum computing’s ability to outperform classical computers. The creation of the first quantum computers like Google’s Sycamore processor and IBM’s Q System One to perform beyond the classical computers.

2. Quantum Computing vs. Classical Computing

2.1 Fundamental differences between classical and quantum computing

When it comes to quantum computing, qubits are being used here. They exist in entangled states also in a superposition of 0 and 1. But bits in binary nature are used in classical computing. Moreover, classical computers process data sequentially while quantum computers use  parallel processing.

2.2 Implications of computerization power

Each of them has significant implications for the ability to solve problems and power usage. In quantum computing, it is masterful to perform calculations super faster. But classical computers are limited while doing calculations. Moreover, quantum computers need more power than classical computers to be used.

3. Promising Quantum Algorithms And Their Applications

3.1 Quantum algorithms and their potential

There are significant quantum algorithms like Shor’s algorithm to factorize large numbers and Grover’s algorithm for unstructured search. Many current encryption methods are used in Shor’s algorithm. Grover’s algorithm uses large databases to increase the search speed.

Therefore, it is capable of benefit industries like artificial intelligence, drug discovery and cryptography with that structured and fast searching speed.

3.2 Current limitations to quantum algorithms

Now, there are some limitations of quantum algorithms. Needing an error correction is one of the major challenges. Otherwise, results may not be totally correct even with minimum errors that can happen. Moreover, real-world applications are able to take advantage of quantum computational power due to ongoing practical research.


4. The Current State Of Quantum Computing

4.1 State of quantum computing in companies

Quantum computing technology has improved within the last years, including practical applications and also hardware and software development, according to research of various companies. Mainly, Google, IBM and D-Wave are the companies achieving these benefits.

Google claimed quantum supremacy with its Sycamore processor in 2019. IBM also has developed a 50-qubit quantum computer as a result. In addition, a commercially available quantum annealing system has been designed by D-Wave.

4.2 Challenges and limitations

There are so many challenges and limitations related to quantum computing. Qubit coherence time is one of the major challenges because otherwise, it limits the quantum operations’ reliability.

Even though there is ongoing research to create an error correction technique, it is still a challenge to work without. In addition, the search for practical applications is still in the process.

There are also some hardware and software limitations which are hard to go on.

5. Real-World Applications of Quantum Computing

5.1 Most promising real-world applications

Quantum computing transformed a wide range of businesses and applications in the world. Cryptography is one of the most exciting sections using this rather than others.

Here, it enables us to improve the security of data encryption. Moreover, quantum simulations are being used to design complex systems like molecular interactions accurately in pharmaceutical research.

5.2 Examples of different applications

When it comes to the applications in industries, more accurate financial models are created and enabled faster in the finance industry with the usage of quantum computing. The healthcare industry discovers accurate drugs and personalized medicine as a benefit too.

5.3 The potential implication of widespread

Wide usage of quantum computing has improved a lot in science and technology. Artificial intelligence improvement, invention and development of new materials, and getting to know accurate weather forecasting are a few of them.


So, it can be said that quantum computing is a revolutionary technology that has transformed so many industries, mainly healthcare, cybersecurity and finance, with the above examples. It also has achieved so many milestones.

However, there are challenges like no proper error correction technique, issues with qubit coherence time and ongoing practical research. Quantum computing is so much important for real-world applications. Both science and technology will definitely be globally transformed with the usage of quantum computing in the future.